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New Member - My Tank


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Im new to the forum so thought id post and say Hi - and also give you a bit of a rundown of my current tank, and how i got there.

So my Current tank is a 5 x 2 x 2.5 ( would of loved to go even bigger but still live with my parents ! ) It is 680 L.

Since i started in the hobby i have always Kept African Cichlids - This tank is Only focusing on lake malawi.

Current Stock -

9 - Yellow Lab

3 - Acei Tanzania

14 - Tramatichromis Intermedius Tanzania

7 - Blue Dolphins

5 - Placidichromis phenochilus sp. Tanzania

For the most part they are all Juvie apart from a couple of yellow labs who just started to spawn regular. I cannot wait for the intermedius to colour up i have an awesome

breeding colony!!! and would love to spread these guys round more!!! the Placidichromis are still about 1.5 inch in size and are mostly a dark grey with some bars very little blue at the moment but will look amazing one day!!!

Basically I Wanted to go with only a few different kinds of Fish but have solid groups of them - I will probably not add any more kinds of fish unless i can get my hands

on some Rhamplochromis Longiceps!!! ( hoping andrews @ labyrnth breed real soon!!! he has advised me so much on stocking this tank! and so glad he

introduced me to these harder to come by species im now totally obessesed with !!!! ) and i realise how hard they are to find also!

Had this tank for about 3 Months now - previously had and aquaone 850 with some yellow labs in for years and years - its only in the last 12 months i have really wanted to get into things more seriously - I know a Little and understand the basics but always happy to hear any advice and what has worked for other people!

Once i get some time ill post a few photos of this beast tank!!!!!!

Thanks for having a Read!

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Welcome to ACE Forums.

Nice sized tank and collection of fish. The T. intermedius will look spectacular when the get a bit of size and the dominant male colours up. It is not a species that you se large numbers so you must be stoked to have such a good sized colony.

What filtration are you running?

You will have to post up some of your YouTube videos of your tank.

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Thanks mate - I am totally stoked about the intermedius never saw them until i went to labrynth and im totally obsessed with them almost considered doing a species tank on them!!! but decided to go with as peaceful malawi's as possible. Starting to realise that they can be hard to find so im planning on trying to breed them as much as i can once they grow up a little. seen a couple of google pics of males - insane! how does a fish get so much colour??!?!?!

ATM current filtration is a single Fluval FX6 combine with a wavemaker so theres no dead spots. in the next few months i will be thinking about adding another cannister.

Also have an airpump currently not being used... will save that for egg tumblers though... have a yellow who spat early mostly egg sacs currently in a breeder net... kinda want to get some practice in

with my yellows before all the others start going at it so i dont much it up for those harder to come by fish.

I will def put a video together to share.

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Hi mate, great tank and stock list, its interesting since all of those except the yellow lab would be found in the northern part of the lake on the Tanzania side, so would live together in the wild.

With the exception of the yellow labs that are found on the western side (in the middle) at Nkhata Bay. I've always like the idea of keeping cichlids from a similar collection point to replicate their natural conditions as much as practical.

Regards, Rob

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Yeah I was Trying to Make the tank like its literally a chunk of the natural habitat taken as one straight from the lake! The yellow labs i already had so I will hang onto them for now ;)

Seeing them all In the tank together is awesome the only real aggression i have seen have come between to two male yellow labs one 6 inch the other 4 inch apart from that its

been pretty good! Cannot wait for all the fish to colour up comepletely!!! just have no idea how long that will take!!!

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Thanks all for the kind words. Im still in two minds about a background. cant go wrong with black....but i love 3D backgrounds.....its a shame no one seems to make 2.5 high.

Thinking of making my own out of polystyrene and making sure theres space for my filter to poke out the bottom....hmmmm anyone on here made a custom backround?

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