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sailfin gibbi Question

red calico

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i also have BN's with 3 Sailfin species and although the 3 plecos fight they tend to leave the BN's alone. My Gibbi in particular has a chip on his sholder but is respected by the other fish in the tank and they leave him alone.


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My gibby is 20cm. He does shove the BNs away from food but he does so with more of a shove without much agression. The BNs sometimes try to fight him (or his smaller L1 cousin) off with their barbs. In my other tank the bristlenose used to be bigger than the Hypostomus punctatus (I got him very small at something like 2cm) and always chased him away from food but now he is twice as long as them they may try, but one shove from him and as hard as they try, they are out of the way. They do tussle but there seems to be no harm done. I find other agressive fish do more damage to the catfish fins than each other.

(Nothing compared to the damage a couple of bristle noses can do to each other).

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