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Getting back in the game


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It's a 6' x 2' x 18"...but the fronties are only temporary tennants. Once the tanks are sorted in the fish room, they will be housed separately and this tank returned to a tang display.

Andrea :)

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very Andrea. I am in the process of rebuilding my fishroom so I have to merge some of my fish colonies to clean up the room. This tank inspires me to jam some of them into my 6x2x2.



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Hi Jamie...when I had a house move and other stuff going on, I moved them on to a so called "experienced" Tropheus person. It was a handshake deal with the promise of fry blah blah. People aren't always who you believe them to be :cryblow: Unfortunately said person lost the lot (plus others).. :cryblow::cryblow::cryblow: If you are able to ship I would definately be up for more :hug:

Andrea :)

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