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getting Angel eggs to the hatching stage


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So, my angels have had 2 batches of eggs now - 10 days apart.

the 1st batch was in my 6' community tank and didnt even last 12 hours before they became a midnight feast for either the parents or some of the other inhabitants of the tank.

So, I moved the 2 angels into the 2' tank and relocated the habitants of that tank.

10 days after the 1st lot of eggs I had more eggs, this time on the granite that I placed in the tank for this purpose. I was pretty confident that these ones would survive as they lasted the 1st night.

The male was being a real dudE tho, and chasing the female and nipping her - and not in a nice way.

this morning I got up and there were no eggs left - I guess they must of gotten hungry again.

Due to this, when they lay again, should I take the male out (after fertilising the eggs) and just leave the female in with them, or would I be better leaving the male in and taking the female out, or better to remove both parents and try and hatch them as orphans?

looking forward to some responces...



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In my angelfish breeding experience, I would leave the parents in there to "practise" being parents. They are probably new at it and need a few goes for them to learn. Hatching the eggs on their own is tricky, as they can get fungussed really easily.

Good luck!

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